PreserveTech Harmony True Low Air Loss Tri-Therapy System
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The PreserveTech Harmony Tri-Therapy Mattress Replacement is a feature filled "true" low air loss active high-flow system that incorporates the latest technologies to aid in the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries, in the home or long-term care setting. The 14200N provides optimal micro-climate control, pulsation, and alternating pressure therapies to optimize patient comfort and pressure redistribution. The removable, quilted four way stretch polyurethane coated cover is manufactured with an anti-microbial* agent and is fluid resistant, low shear and vapor permeable helping protect the skin from friction and moisture. *Antimicrobial properties are built in to protect the products. These products do not protect users or others against bacteria, viruses, germs, or other disease organisms. EPA registration 92760-9 is Ultra-Fresh DW-30, which is registered to control the growth of fungi, bacteria and algae in polyurethane foams, rubber, non-aqueous coatings, adhesives, PVC and grout mortar and mastics.